Audio CD Saints: Ondessonk: Priest of the Red Man
St. Isaac Jogues
The word “Ondessonk” is a Huron word meaning “Bird of Prey.” It was a name given to St. Isaac Jogues, a Jesuit priest that came to North America from his native France in the early 17th century to bring the Gospel to the Huron people of Quebec. He gave his entire life to them, with the ultimate ending of torture and martyrdom. Respected and revered by many, hated and despised by others, the "Blackrobe" from France, earned the name Ondessonk because of his zealous missionary spirit.
This edifying and entertaining audio presents Ondessonk's story: His birth in Orleans, his studies and spiritual growth, his travels to the New World; his ever-dangerous and ever-challending life with the Hurons; his quick mind, keen eye and athleticism; his self-sacrificing heroism; his true charity for the eternal welfare of immortal souls; his sufferings and his martyrdom--they are all here!
105 minutes on 2-CDs!